This compilation by The Rev. Richard Losch of Livingston, Ala., gives the Sunday readings keyed to Bible verses. If you have a Bible verse and want to know when (or if) it will be used as part of the regular Sunday readings, you can look it up in the table below. The readings follow the lectionary of the Episcopal Church in the U. S. The readings are on a three year cycle, so the letter A, B, or C, at the end of the reference indicates the year of the cycle in which that Bible passage is used. Citations in brackets are alternatives for the day. Note that, as of December 2007, this lectionary is no longer used in the Episcopal Church.

We also have online an expanded form of this table, as an Excel spreadsheet, covering not only the Episcopal Sunday lectionary, but also the RCL, Roman Catholic, Lutheran ,and Methodist lectionaries.   Thanks to Jenee Woodard of textweek.com and Andee Zetterbaum for this.

1:1-2:2 Easter Vigil ABC, Trinity A
2:4b-9, 15-17, 25-3:7 Lent 1A
2:18-24 Proper 22B
3:1-21 Proper 5B
7:1-5, 11-18, 8:6-18, 9:8-13 Easter Vigil ABC
8:6-16, 9:8-16 Easter 2A
9:8-17 Lent 1B
11:1-9 Pentecost Early ABC
12:1-8 Lent 2A
15:1-6 Proper 14C
15:1-12, 17-18 Lent 2C
18:1-10a (10b-14) Proper 11C
18:20-33 Proper 12C
22:1-14 Lent 2B
22:1-18 Easter Vigil ABC, [Good Friday ABC]
28:10-17 St. Michael C
32:3-8, 22-30 Proper 24C
45:3-11, 21-28 Epiphany 7C, Proper 2C
3:1-6 Trinity B
3:1-15 Lent 3C
12:1-14a Maundy Thursday ABC
14:10-15:1 Easter Vigil ABC
14:10-14, 21-25, 15:20-21 Easter Principal A
16:2-4, 9-15 Proper 13B
17:1-7 Lent 3A
19:1-9a, 16-20a, 20:18-20 [Pentecost Early ABC]
19:2-8a Proper 6A
20:1-17 Lent 3B
22:21-27 Proper 25A
24:12-18 Last Epiphany A
32:1,7-14 Proper 19C
33:18-23 St. John ABC
34:1-8 Holy Name ABC
34:29-35 Epiphany Last C, Transfiguration ABC
19:1-2, 9-18 Epiphany 7A, Proper 2A, Easter 5 C
11:4-6, 10-16, 24-29 Proper 21B
27:12-23 [Easter 4C]
4:1-9 Proper 17B
4:32-40 [Easter 5B]
5:6-21 Proper 4B
6:1-9 Proper 26B
6:20-25 [Easter 5A]
8:1-3, 6-10 (17-20) Thanksgiving ABC
8:1-10 Proper 14B
10:17-21 Independence Day ABC
11:18-21, 26-28 Proper 4A
15:7-11 Proper 8B
18:15-20 Epiphany 4B, St. Bartholomew ABC
26:(1-4) 5-11 Lent 1C
30:9-14 Proper 10C, St. Andrew ABC
30:15-20 Proper 18C
32:1-4 St. Simon & St. Jude ABC
(4:19-24), 5:9-12 Lent 4C
24:1-2a, 14-25 Proper 16B
6: 11-24a Epiphany 5C
1:(1-7) 8-19a Proper 23C
I Samuel
3:1-20 Epiphany 2B
12:19-24 [Easter 7C]
16:1-13 Lent 4A
II Samuel
7:4, 8-16 St. Joseph ABC
11:26-12:10, 13-15 Proper 6C
I Kings
3:5-12 Proper 12A
8:22-23, 27-30, 41-43 Proper 4C
17:8-16 Proper 27B
17:17-24 Proper 5C
19:9-18 Last Epiphany B
19:15-16, 19-21 Proper 8C
II Kings
2:1-15 Proper 12B, [Ascension Day ABC]
4:8-37 Epiphany 5B
5:1-15b Epiphany 6B, Proper 1B
I Chronicles (none)
II Chronicles
36:14-23 Lent 4B
Ezra (none)
8:2-10 Epiphany 3C
9:6-15 [Easter 4A]
9:16-20 Proper 13A
Esther (none)
14:1-14 Holy Saturday ABC
19:23-27a Proper 27C
38:1-11, 16-18 Proper 7B
42:1-6 [Easter 2C]
1 Epiphany 6C, Proper 1C, Proper 18C, Proper 25A, St. James of Jerusalem ABC
2 St. Mark ABC
7:1-10 St. James ABC
8 Holy Name ABC, Thursday in Easter Week ABC
13 [Trinity ABC], Proper 25B
15 Proper 11C, Proper 17B, St. Matthias ABC
16 Lent 2B, [Easter Vigil ABC], Proper 8C, Proper 16B, Proper 28B
16:8-11 Monday in Easter Week ABC
17 Proper 27C
19 St. Andrew
19:7-14 Lent 3B
22:1-21 Palm Sunday ABC, Good Friday ABC
22:22-30 Proper 11B
23 Lent 4A, Easter 4A, Proper 23A, Confession of St. Peter
24 Advent 4A
25 Lent 1B, Proper 10C
25:1-14 Proper 21A
26 Proper 17A
27 Epiphany 5A, Last Epiphany B, Lent 2C
29 Trinity C
30 Proper 14A, Easter Vigil ABC, Proper 5C
31 Proper 4A, St. Stephen
32 Epiphany 7B, Proper 2B, Proper 6C, Proper 26C
33 Easter 3C, Easter 6B, Proper 14C
33:1-11 Easter Vigil ABC
33:12-22 Lent 2A, Easter Vigil ABC, Pentecost Vigil ABC, [Pentecost Principal ABC]
33:18-22 Tuesday in Easter Week ABC
34 Lent 4C, Proper 14B, St. Mary the Virgin
36:5-10 Monday in Holy Week ABC, [Easter Vigil ABC]
37:1-18 Epiphany 4A, Epiphany 6C, Proper 2C, Proper 22C
40:1-10 Annunciation, Epiphany 2A
40:1-14 [Good Friday ABC]
42 Epiphany 6B, Proper 1B
42:1-7 Easter Vigil ABC, St. Mary Magdalene
43 Proper 26A
46 Easter Vigil ABC, Proper 16C, Proper 29C
47 Ascension ABC, [Easter 7 ABC], [Independence Day]
49 Proper 13C
50 Advent 1C, Proper 5A
51 Lent 1A, Lent 5B
51:1-18 Proper 19C
54 Proper 20B
62 Epiphany 8A, Proper 3A
63:1-8 Epiphany 2B, Proper 7C
65 Proper 10A, Thanksgiving Day
66 Proper 9C
66:1-11 Easter 5AB
67 Easter 6C, Proper 15A, Conversion of St. Paul
68:1-20 Easter 7ABC
69:1-18 Proper 7A
69:1-23 [Good Friday ABC]
69:7-15, 22-23 Wednesday in Holy Week ABC
70 Proper 27A
71 Epiphany 7A, Proper 2A
71:1-12 Epiphany 4C, Tuesday in Holy Week ABC
72 Advent 2A, Epiphany ABC
78:1-29 Proper 13AB
78:14-20, 23-25 Maundy Thursday ABC
80 Proper 22A, Advent 1B, Advent 4C
81 Proper 4B
82 Proper 15C
84 Christmas 2ABC, Proper 25C, Presentation
85 Advent 2B, Advent 3C, Epiphany 5C, Nativity of John the Baptist, Proper 10B
86 Proper 11A
87 St. Peter & Paul
89:1-18 Proper 8A
89:1-29 Epiphany 1ABC
90 Proper 28A, Proper 23B
91 Lent 1C, Proper 24B, St. Bartholomew
92 Epiphany 8, Proper 3C, Proper 6B, St. John
93 Trinity B, Proper 29B
95 Lent 3A
95:1-7 Proper 29A
96 Christmas Day I ABC, Epiphany 2C, Proper 24A
97 Christmas Day II ABC
98 Christmas Day III ABC, Easter Vigil ABC, Easter 3B
99 Last Epiphany ABC, Transfiguration
100 Proper 6A, [Easter 4B]
103 Epiphany 8B, Ash Wednesday ABC, Lent 3C, Proper 3B, St. Michael, Proper 19A
104:25-32 Pentecost Vigil ABC, Pentecost Principal ABC
105:1-8 Wednesday in Easter Week ABC
107:1-32 Proper 7B
110:1-5 [Ascension ABC]
111 Easter 2ABC, Epiphany 4B
112 Proper 8B, Proper 17C, St. Barnabas
113 Epiphany 3C, Proper 23C, Visitation
114 Easter Early ABC, Easter Evening ABC, [Thursday in Easter Week ABC], Proper 12B
116 Proper 19B, Easter 3A
116:1-8 Friday in Easter Week ABC
118:14-17, 22-24 [Easter Evening ABC]
118:14-18 Saturday in Easter Week ABC
118:14-29 Easter Principal ABC
118:19-24 [Easter 2ABC], [All Easter Week ABC]
118:19-29 Liturgy of the Palms ABC
119:1-16 Epiphany 6A, Proper 1A
119:33-40 Sts. Philip & James, St. Matthew
119:33-48 Proper 18A
119:89-96 St. Simon & Jude
119:121-136 Proper 12A
121 Proper 24C
122 Advent 1A, Easter Vigil ABC, Lent 4B
123 Proper 9B
126 [Easter Vigil ABC], Advent 2C, Advent 3B, Lent 5C
130 Lent 5A, Holy Saturday ABC, Pentecost Vigil ABC, Epiphany 3B, Proper 5B
132 Advent 4B
136 [Easter Evening ABC]
138 Proper 12C, Proper 16A, Proper 20C
139:1-17 Epiphany 3A
142 Epiphany 5B
143 [East. Vigil ABC]
145 Easter 5C, Proper 9A, Proper 20A, Independence Day
146 Advent 3A, Proper 21C, Proper 27B
147 Christmas 1 ABC, Proper 15B, St. Luke
148 Easter 6A
149 All Saints
150 Trinity A
3:1-6 St. Matthew
9:1-6 Proper 15B
1:12-14, 2(1-7, 11) 18-23 Proper 13C
Song of Solomon (none)
1:10-20 Proper 26C
2:1-5 Advent 1A
2:10-17 Proper 8A
4:2-6 Easter Vigil ABC
5:1-7 Proper 22A
6:1-8 Trinity C
7:10-17 Advent 4A, Annunciation
9:2-4, 6-7 Christmas Day I ABC
11:1-10 Advent 2A
25:1-9 Proper 23A
35:1-10 Advent 3A
25:6-9 [Easter Principal B]
26:1-8 [Independence Day]
28:14-22 Proper 16C
30:18-21 Sts. Philip & James
35:4-7a Proper 18B
40:1-11 Advent 2B, Nativity of John the Baptist
41:17-20 Easter 6A
42:1-9 Epiphany 1A, Monday in Holy Week ABC
43:1-12 [Easter 3A]
43:16-21 Lent 5C
43:18-25 Epiphany 7B, Proper 2B
44:1-8 [Pentecost Principal ABC]
45:1-7 Proper 24A
45:5-12 St. Barnabas
45:11-13, 18-19 [Easter 6B]
45:21-25 Palm Sunday ABC, Holy Cross
49:1-6 Tuesday in Holy Week ABC
49:1-7 Epiphany 2A
49:8-18 Epiphany 8A
50:4-9a Wednesday in Holy Week ABC, Proper 19B
51:1-6 Proper 16
51:9-11 [Easter Principal ABC]
52:7-10 Christmas Day III A
52:13-53:12 Good Friday ABC, [Palm Sunday ABC]
53:4-12 Proper 24B
55:1-11 Easter Vigil ABC
55:1-5, 10-13 Proper 10A
56:1-7 Proper 15A
57:14b-21 Proper 11B
58:1-12 [Ash Wednesday ABC]
59:1-19 Proper 25B
60:1-6, 9 Epiphany ABC
61:10-11 St. Mary the Virgin
61:10-62:3 Christmas 1A
62:1-5 Epiphany 2C
62:6-7, 10-12 Christmas Day II ABC
64:1-9a Advent 1B
65:17-25 Advent 3B
66:10-16 Proper 9C
1:4-10 Epiphany 4C
3:21-4:2 Epiphany 3B
7:1-7 (8-15) Epiphany 8C, Proper 3C
14:(1-6) 7-10, 19-22 Proper 25C
15:15-21 Proper 17A
17:5-10 Epiphany 6C, Proper 1C
20:7-13 Proper 7A
23:1-6 Proper 29C
23:23-29 Proper 15C
26:1-9, 12-15 St. Stephen
31:7-14 Christmas 2ABC
31:15-17 Holy Innocents
31:31-34 Lent 5B
32:36-41 [Easter 3C]
45:1-5 St. James
Lamentations (none)
1:3-5a, 15-22, 26-28 [Ascension B]
2:1-7 Proper 9B
11:17-20 [Pentecost Principal A]
18:1-4, 25-32 Proper 21A
33:1-11 Proper 18A
31:1-6, 10-14 Proper 6B
34:1-10 [Easter 4B]
34:11-17 Proper 29A, Sts. Peter & Paul
36:24-28 Easter Vigil ABC
37:1-14 Lent 5A, Easter Vigil ABC, [Pentecost Vigil ABC]
39:21-29 [Easter 7A]
7:9-14 [Ascension A]
12:1-3 [Easter Evening ABC], Proper 28B
2:14-23 Epiphany 8B, Proper 3B
5:15-6:6 Proper 5A
2:1-2, 12-17 Ash Wednesday ABC
2:21-27 [Easter 6C]
2:28-32 [Pentecost Vigil ABC], [Pentecost Principal ABC]
3:1-8 Epiphany 3A
5:6-7, 10-15 Proper 23B
5:18-24 Proper 27A
6:1-7 Proper 21C
7:7-15 Proper 10B
8:4-7 (8-12) Proper 20C
Obadiah (none)
2:1-9 Proper 14A
3:10-4:11 Proper 20A
3:5-12 Proper 26A
4:1-5 [Easter 3B]
5:2-4 Advent 4C
6:1-8 Epiphany 4A
Nahum (none)
1:1-6 (7-11) 12-13 Proper 22C
2:1-4 St. Thomas
3:2-6, 17-19 Epiphany 5A
1:7, 12-18 Proper 28A
3:12-20 Advent 3C, Easter Vigil ABC, Visitation
Haggai (none)
9:9-12 Proper 9A
14:4-9 Advent 1C
12:8-10, 13:1 Proper 7C
3:1-4 Presentation
3:13-4:2a, 5-6 Proper 28C
I Esdras (none)
II Esdras (none)
Tobit (none)
9:1, 11-14 St. Mary Magdalene
Esther (none)
1:16-2:22 Proper 20B
2:1, 12-24 [Good Friday ABC]
12:13, 16-19 Proper 11A
2:(1-6) 7-11 [All Saints]
10:(7-11) 12-18 Proper 17C
15:11-20 Epiphany 6A, Proper 1A
27:30-28:7 Proper 19A
38:1-4, 6-10, 12-14 St. Luke
44:1-10, 13-14 All Saints
5:1-9 Advent 2C
Letter of Jeremiah (none)
Song of the Three (none)
Daniel and Susanna (none)
Daniel, Bel, and the Snake (none)
Manasseh (none)
I Maccabees (none)
II Macabees (none)

1:18-25 Advent 4A
2:1-12 Epiphany ABC, [Christmas 2ABC]
2:13-18 Holy Innocents
2:13-15, 19-23 Christmas 2ABC
3:1-12 Advent 2A
3:13-17 Epiphany 1A
4:1-11 Lent 1A
4:12-23 Epiphany 3A
4:18-22 St. Andrew
5:1-12 Epiphany 4ABC, All Saints
5:13-20 Epiphany 5A
5:21-24, 27-30, 33-37 Epiphany 6A, Proper 1A
5:38-48 Epiphany 7A, Proper 2A
5:43-48 Independence Day
6:1-6, 16-21 Ash Wednesday ABC
6:24-34 Epiphany 8A, Proper 3A, Thanksgiving Day
7:21-27 Proper 4A
9:9-13 Proper 5A, St. Matthew
9:35-10:15 Proper 6A
10:7-16 St. Barnabas
10:16-22 Conversion of St. Paul
10:16-33 Proper 7A
10:34-42 Proper 8A
11:2-11 Advent 3A
11:25-30 Proper 9A
13:1-9, 18-23 Proper 10A
13:24-30, 36-43 Proper 11A
13:31-33, 44-49a Proper 12A
13:54-58 St. James of Jerusalem
14:13-21 Proper 13A
14:22-33 Proper 14A
15:21-28 Proper 15A
16:13-20 Proper 16A, Confession of St. Peter
16:21-27 Proper 17A
17:1-9 Last Epiphany A
18:15-20 Proper 18A
18:21-35 Proper 19A
20:1-16 Proper 20A
20:20-28 St. James
21:1-11 Liturgy of the Palms A
21:28-32 Proper 21A
21:33-43 Proper 22A
22:1-14 Proper 23A
22:15-22 Proper 24A
22:34-46 Proper 25A
23:1-12 Proper 26A
23:34-39 St. Stephen
24:37-44 Advent 1A
25:1-13 Proper 27A
25:14-15, 19-29 Proper 28A
25:31-46 Proper 29A
26:1-5, 14-25 [Wednesday in Holy Week ABC]
26:36-27:66 Palm Sunday ABC
27:57-66 Holy Saturday ABC
28:1-10 Easter Early ABC, [Easter Principal ABC]
28:9-15 Monday in Easter Week ABC
28:16-20 Trinity A
1:1-8 Advent 2B
1:1-15 St. Mark
1:7-11 Epiphany 1B
1:9-13 Lent 1B
1:14-20 Epiphany 3B
1:21-28 Epiphany 4B
1:29-39 Epiphany 5B
1:40-45 Epiphany 6B, Proper 1B
2:1-12 Epiphany 7B, Proper 2B
2:18-22 Epiphany 8B, Proper 3B
2:23-28 Proper 4B
3:20-35 Proper 5B
4:26-34 Proper 6B
4:35-5:20 Proper 7B
6:1-6 Proper 9B
6:7-13 Proper 10B
6:30-44 Proper 11B
6:45-52 Proper 12B
7:1-8, 14-15, 21-23 Proper 17B
7:31-37 Proper 18B
8:27-38 Proper 19B
8:31-38 Lent 2B
9:2-9 Last Epiphany B
9:14-29 [Proper 19B]
9:30-37 Proper 20B
9:38-43, 45, 47-48 Proper 21B
10:2-9 Proper 22B
10:17-31 Proper 23B
10:35-45 Proper 24B
10:46-52 Proper 25B
11:1-11 [Proper 29B]
11:15-19 [Tuesday in Holy Week ABC]
12:13-17 [Independence Day]
12:28-34 Proper 26B
12:38-44 Proper 27B
13:14-23 Proper 28B
13:24-37 Advent 1B
14:3-9 [Monday in Holy Week ABC]
14:32-15:47 Palm Sunday B
16:1-8 Easter Principal B
16:9-15, 20 Saturday in Easter Week ABC, [Ascension A]
16:15-20 [St. Mark]
1:26-38 Advent 3B, Annunciation
1:39-49(50-56) Advent 4C, Visitation
1:46-55 St. Mary the Virgin
1:57-80 Nativity of John the Baptist
2:1-14(15-20) Christmas Day I ABC, Christmas Day II ABC
2:15-21 Holy Name ABC
2:41-52 [Christmas 2 ABC], St. Joseph
3:1-6 Advent 2C
3:7-18 Advent 3C
3:15-16,21-22 Epiphany 1C
4:1-13 Lent 1C
4:14-21 Epiphany 3C, St. Luke
4:21-32 Epiphany 4C
5:1-11 Epiphany 5C
6:17-26 Epiphany 6C, Proper 1C
6:20-26(27-36) [All Saints]
6:27-38 Epiphany 7C, Proper 2C
6:39-49 Epiphany 8C, Proper 3C
7:1-10 Proper 4C
7:11-17 Proper 5C
7:36-50 Proper 6C
9:18-24 Proper 7C
9:28-36 Epiphany Last C, Transfiguration
9:51-62 Proper 8C
10:1-12,16-20 Proper 9C
10:25-37 Proper 10C
10:38-42 Proper 11C
11:1-13 Proper 12C
12:13-21 Proper 13C
12:32-40 Proper 14C
12:49-56 Proper 15C
13:1-9 Lent 3C
13:22-30 Proper 16C
13:(22-30)31-35 Lent 2C
14:1,7-14 Proper 17C
14:25-33 Proper 18C
15:1-10 Proper 19C
15:11-32 Lent 4C
16:1-13 Proper 20C
16:19-31 Proper 21C
17:5-10 Proper 22C
17:11-19 Proper 23C
18:1-8a Proper 24C
18:9-14 Proper 25C
19:1-10 Proper 26C
19:29-40 Liturgy of the Palms ABC, [Proper 29C]
20:9-19 Lent 5C
20:27(28-33)34-38 Proper 27C
21:5-13 Proper 28C
21:25-31 Advent 1C
22:14-30 [Maundy Thursday ABC]
22:24-30 St. Bartholomew
(22:39-71)23:1-49(50-56) Palm Sunday ABC
23:35-43 Proper 29C
24:1-10 Easter Principal ABC
24:13-35 Easter Evening ABC, Wednesday in Easter Week ABC, Easter 3A
24:36b-48 Thursday in Easter Week ABC, Easter 3B
24:49-53 Ascension ABC
1:1-14 Christmas Day III ABC
1:1-18 Christmas 1 ABC
1:6-8, 19-28 Advent 3B
1:29-41 Epiphany 2A
1:43-51 Epiphany 2B
1:47-51 St. Michael
2:1-11 Epiphany 2C
2:13-22 Lent 3B
3:1-6 Trinity B
3:1-17 Lent 2A
3:23-30 [Advent 3B]
4:5-42 Lent 3A
6:4-15 Lent 4B
6:24-35 Proper 13B
6:37-51 Proper 14B
6:53-59 Proper 15B
6:60-69 Proper 16B
7:37-39a Pentecost Vigil ABC
9:1-38 Lent 4A
10:1-10 Easter 4A
10:11-36 Easter 4B
10:22-30 Easter 4C
11:1-44 Lent 5A
12:1-11 Monday in Holy Week ABC
12:20-33 Lent 5B
12:31-36a Holy Cross
12:37-38, 42-50 Tuesday in Holy Week ABC
13:1-15 Maundy Thusday ABC
13:21-35 Wednesday in Holy Week ABC
13:31-35 Easter 5C
14:1-14 Easter 5A
14:6-14 Sts. Philip & James
14:8-17 [Pentecost Principal ABC]
14:15-21 Easter 5B
14:23-29 Easter 6C
15:1-8 Easter 6A
15:1,6-16 St. Matthias
15:9-17 Easter 6B
15:17-27 Sts. Simon & Jude
16:(5-11)12-15 Trinity C
17:1-11 Easter 7A
17:11b-19 Easter 7B
17:20-26 Easter 7C
(18:1-40)19:1-37 Good Friday ABC
18:33-37 Proper 29B
19:38-42 [Holy Saturday ABC]
20:1-18 Easter Principal ABC
20:11-18 Tuesday in Easter Week A, St. Mary Magdalene
20:19-31 Easter 2A
20:19-23 Pentecost Principal ABC
21:1-14 Friday in Easter Week A, Easter 3
21:15-19 St. Peter & Paul
21:19b-24 St. John
1:1-11 Ascension ABC
1:1-14 Easter 7A
1:15-26 Easter 7B
2:1-11 Pentecost Vigil ABC, Pentecost Principal ABC
2:14, 22b-32 Monday in Easter Week ABC, Easter 2A
2:14a, 36-47 Easter 3A
2:36-41 Tuesday in Easter Week ABC
3:1-10 Wednesday in Easter Week ABC
3:11-26 Thursday in Easter Week ABC
3:12a,13-15,17-26 Easter 2B
4:1-12 Friday in Easter Week ABC
4:5-12 Easter 3B
4:13-21 Saturday in Easter Week ABC
4:23-37 Easter 4B
5:29a, 30-32 Easter Evening ABC
6:1-9, 7:2a, 51-60 Easter 4A
6:8-7:2a,51c-60 St. Stephen
8:26-40 Easter 5B
9:1-19a Easter 3C
10:34-38 Epiphany 1ABC
10:34-43 Easter Principal ABC
11:19-30 Easter 6B
11:19-30,13:1-3 St. Barnabas
13:14b-26 Nativity of John Baptist
13:15-16,26-33(34-39) Easter 4C
13:44-52 Easter 5C
14:8-18 Easter 6C
16:16-34 Easter 7C
17:1-15 Easter 5A
17:22-31 Easter 6A
1:1-7 Advent 4A, Holy Name ABC
3:21-25a, 28 Proper 4A
4:13-18 Porper 5A
5:1-11 Lent 3A
5:6-11 Proper 6A
5:12-21 Lent 1A
5:15b-19 Proper 7A
6:3-11 Easter Early ABC, Proper 8A
6:16-23 Lent 5A
7:13-25 Lent 3B
7:21-8:6 Proper 9A
8:9-17 Proper 10A
8:12-17 Trinity B
8:14-17, 22-27 [Pentecost Vigil ABC]
8:18-25 Proper 11A
8:26-34 Proper 12A
8:31-38 Lent 2B
8:35-39 Proper 13A
9:1-5 Proper 14A
10:(5-8a)8b-13 Lent 1C
10:8b-18 St. Andrew
11:13-15, 29-32 Proper 15A
11:33-36 Proper 16A
12:1-8 Proper 17A
12:9-21 Proper 18A
13:1-10 [Independence Day]
13:8-14 Advent 1A
14:5-12 Proper 19A
15:4-13 Advent 2A
16:25-27 Advent 4B
I Corinthians
1:1-9 Advent 1B, Epiphany 2A
1:10-17 Epiphany 3A
1:18-31 Epiphany 4A, Tuesday in Holy Week ABC
2:1-11 Epiphany 5A
3:1-9 Epiphany 6A, Proper 1A
3:10-11, 16-23 Epiphany 7A, Proper 2A
4:1-13 Epiphany 8A, Proper 3A
4:9-15 St. Bartholomew
5:6b-8 Easter Evening ABC
6:11b-20 Epiphany 2B
7:17-23 Epiphany 3B
8:1b-13 Epiphany 4B
9:16-23 Epiphany 5B
9:24-27 Epiphany 6B
Proper 1B
10:1-13 Lent 3C
11:23-26(27-32) Maundy Thursday ABC
12:1-11 Epiphany 2C
12:4-13 Pentecost Principal ABC
12:12-27 Epiphany 3C
12:27-13:13 Epiphany Last C
14:12b-20 Epiphany 4C
15:1-11 Epiphany 5C, St. James of Jerusalem
15:12-20 Epiphany 6C, Proper 1C
15:20-28 Proper 29A
15:35-38,42-50 Epiphany 7C, Proper 2C
15:50-58 Epiphany 8C, Proper 3C
II Corinthians
1:18-22 Epiphany 7B, Proper 2B
3:4-4:2 Epiphany 8B, Proper 3B
4:1-6 St. Philip & James
4:5-12 Proper 4B
4:13-18 Proper 5B
5:1-10 Proper 6B
5:14-21 Proper 7B, St. Mary Magdalene
5:20b-6:10 Ash Wednesday ABC
8:1-9, 13-15 Proper 8B
12:2-10 Proper 9B
13:5-14 Trinity A
1:1-10 Proper 4C
1:11-24 Proper 5C, Conversion of St. Paul
2:11-21 Proper 6C
3:23-29 Proper 7C
3:23-25, 4:4-7 Christmas 1ABC
4:4-7 St. Mary Virgin
5:1,13-25 Proper 8C
6:(1-10)14-28 Proper 9C
6:14-18 [Holy Cross]
1:1-14 Proper 10B
1:3-6, 15-19a Christmas 2ABC
1:15-23 Ascension ABC, [All Saints]
2:4-10 Lent 4B
2:11-22 Proper 11B, St. Simon & Jude
3:1-12 Epiphany ABC
4:1-7, 11-16 Proper 12B
4:7-8,11-16 St. Mark
4:17-25 Proper 13B
4:25-5:2 Proper 14B
5:1-14 Lent 4A
5:15-20 Proper 15B
5:21-33 Proper 16B
6:10-20 Proper 17B
1:1-11 Advent 2C
1:21-27 Proper 20A
2:1-13 Proper 21A
2:5-11 Palm Sunday ABC, Holy Cross
2:9-13 [Holy Name]
3:7-14 Last Epiphany ABC, Lent 5C
3:14-21 Proper 22A, St. Matthias
3:17-4:1 Lent 2C
4:4-7(8-9) Advent 3C
4:4-13 Proper 23A
1:1-14 Proper 10C
1:11-20 Proper 29C
1:21-29 Proper 11C
2:6-15 Proper 12C
3:1-4 Easter Principal ABC
3:(5-11)12-17 Proper 13C, Visitation
I Thessalonians
1:1-10 Proper 24A
2:1-8 Proper 25A
2:9-13, 17-20 Proper 26A
3:9-13 Advent 1C
4:13-18 Proper 27A
5:1-10 Proper 28A
5:12-28 Advent 3B
II Thessalonians
1:1-5(6-10)11-12 Proper 26C
2:13-3:5 Proper 27C
3:6-13 Proper 28C
I Timothy
1:12-17 Proper 19C
2:1-8 Proper 20C
6:11-19 Proper 21C
II Timothy
1:(1-5)6-14 Proper 22C
2:(3-7)8-15 Proper 23C
3:14-17 St. Matthew
3:14-4:5 Proper 24C
4:1-8 St. Peter & Paul
4:5-13 St. Luke
4:6-8,16-18 Proper 25C
2:11-14 Christmas Day I ABC
3:4-7 Christmas Day II ABC
1:1-20 Proper 18C
1:1-12 Christmas Day III ABC
2:1-18 Proper 22B
2:14-18 Presentation
3:1-6 Proper 23B
4:12-16 Proper 24B
5:1-10 Lent 5B
5:12-6:1, 9-12 Proper 25B
7:23-28 Proper 26B
9:11-15, 24-28 Wednesday in Holy Week ABC
9:24-28 Proper 27B
10:1-25 Good Friday ABC
10:31-39 Proper 28B
10:5-10 Annunciation
10:5-10 Advent 4C
10:35-11:1 St. Thomas
11:1-3(4-7)8-16 Proper 14C
11:8-16 Independence Day
11:39-12:3 Monday in Holy Week ABC
12:1-7(8-10)11-14 Proper 15C
12:18-19,22-29 Proper 16C
13:1-8 Proper 17C
1:17-27 Proper 18B
1:17-18,21-27 Thanksgiving Day
2:1-5, 8-10, 14-18 Proper 19B
3:16-4:6 Proper 20B
4:7-5:6 Proper 21B
5:7-10 Advent 3A
I Peter
1:3-9 Easter 2A
1:17-23 Easter 3A
2:1-10 Easter 5A
2:19-25 Easter 4A
3:8-18 Easter 6A
3:18-22 Lent 1B
4:1-8 Holy Saturday ABC
4:12-19 Easter 7A
5:1-4 Confession of St. Peter
II Peter
1:13-21 Transfiguration
1:16-21 Last Epiphany B
3:8-15a, 18 Advent 2B
I John
1:1-9 St. John
1:1-2:2 Easter 3B
3:1-8 Easter 4B
5:1-6 Easter 2B
II John (none)
III John (none)
Jude (none)
1:1-8 Proper 29B
1:(1-8)9-19 Easter 2C
4:1-11 TrinityC
5:6-14 Easter 3C
7:2-4,9-17 All Saints
7:9-17 Easter 4C
12:7-12 St. Michael
19:1,4-9 Easter 5C
21:1-7 Holy Innocents
21:22-22:5 Easter 6C
22:12-14,16-17,20 Easter 7C

This Table was created from data painstakingly created by The Rev. Richard R. Losch of St. James' Episcopal Church, Livingston, Alabama, and is copyrighted by him.

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Last updated: 6 July 2003.